A brand is a living thing.

Brands are ideas planted with clear intent and hope for the future. A brand is much more than just a logo – it is all the components that will help it grow strong and true – and should be firmly rooted in everything you do. Brands need some rigidity to be steady and some flexibility to adapt. In order to thrive, brands require commitment and care, diligence and patience. Enduring brands are cared for and maintained.

But environmental factors happen. These events and experiences shape the way a brand grows over time. This may mean a brand needs to adapt – it could be something small like getting back to the roots, tweaking components, or maybe even starting over from the ground up.


Hi, I’m Sarah. I am a branding specialist.

I live and work tucked under Western Red Cedars and sprawling Douglas Maples. I have come to see the similarities between the way trees and brands form, grow, thrive, change and wither. I can help you thoughtfully plant and tend to your brand so it takes care of you, much the same way trees take care of us.